Migrar Contactos de Android a iPhone
Es muy común que los usuarios de móviles quieran cambiar de Android a iPhone o viceversa. Para ello es importante llevar todos los datos que tienes guardados en un teléfono a otro nuevo. Si estás buscando como migrar tus contactos de un teléfono Android a otro iPhone, a continuación presentamos las mejores opciones para hacerlo.
Métodos para pasar tus contactos a iPhone
Mediante iCloud:
- Abrir la aplicación de configuración de tu dispositivo Android.
- Aparecerá un menú con todas las opciones de la configuración del teléfono.
- Selecciona la opción ‘Contactos’.
- Ahora selecciona ‘Cuentas’.
- Verás una lista con todas las cuentas vinculadas con tu teléfono, aquí tendrás que seleccionar la cuenta de iCloud.
- Inicia sesión en tu cuenta de iCloud.
- Tus contactos de tu dispositivo Android ahora están sincronizados con tu cuenta de iCloud.
- Ahora usa el iPhone para iniciar sesión en tu cuenta de iCloud.
- Tus contactos ahora se sincronizarán automáticamente en tu iPhone.
Mediante Google:
- Abre la aplicación de configuración de tu dispositivo Android.
- Selecciona la opción ‘Contactos’.
- En la siguiente pantalla aparecerá una lista con todas las cuentas vinculadas con tu dispositivo Android. Selecciona ‘Cuentas Google’.
- Inicia sesión en tu cuenta de Google.
- En tu iPhone inicia sesión en tu cuenta de Google.
- Tus contactos ahora se sincronizarán automáticamente en tu iPhone.
Existen varias maneras de migrar tus contactos de un dispositivo Android a otro iPhone. El método más sencillo y recomendado es usar el servicio iCloud o la cuenta de Google para sincronizar contactos. Con los métodos descritos aquí, podrás trasladar tus contactos a tu nuevo teléfono iPhone con facilidad.
How do I transfer contacts from Samsung to iPhone?
Transfer contacts via Google account From your Android, go to the Settings app > look for the Google tab > tap Backup and make sure Contacts is toggled on for syncing. You can check by expanding Google Account data in the Backup details list. 2. After the backup sync is completed, switch over to your iPhone. On the iPhone, sign in to the same Google account you used on the Android. This will sync the contacts with your iPhone.
How do I transfer contacts from Gmail to iPhone?1.First you need to log in to your Gmail address and go to the contacts page.
2.Once here go to the ‘Old Version’ link at the bottom of your contacts page.
3.Once at the old version click on the ‘Export’ link at the top of the contacts list.
4.Choose which contacts to export and then select ‘Outlook CSV’ from the drop down menu at the bottom of the export page.
5.Once exported, you’ll be prompted to save the file.
6.Finally, go to your iPhone and open the contacts app. Tap the ‘Groups’ icon and select ‘Add Account, choose Gmail and sign in.
7.Your contacts will now be imported to your iPhone.
What will I miss switching from Android to iPhone 2022?
Layout customization is limited on iOS iOS doesn’t have the same customization features as Android, and it’s much harder to personalize your home screen on iOS. Customization is a high priority for many users, whether that’s adding widgets, changing app icons, or even just putting apps where you want them. If you like to customize, iOS may feel restrictive.
The app selection on the App Store is narrower than on Android Both the App Store and Google Play have millions of apps to choose from, but the App Store is still more restrictive. Apple reviews all apps that are submitted and some apps are simply not allowed. Google, on the other hand, leaves up to the users to decide which apps they want to download. You may find that some of your favorite Android apps are not available on iOS.
You will not be able to take advantage of Android-specific features Apple and Google have different services, meaning that some Android-specific features will not be available on your iPhone. Features like Screen Time, digital wellbeing, and Google Assistant are just a few of the features that are available on Android, but not on iOS.
No NFC support on iPhone Unless you get the very latest iPhone models like iPhone 12 (or even newer ones), you will not be able to take advantage of the Near Field Communication capability. NFC technology allows you to simply tap your device to another NFC-enabled device or a NFC readers and make payments, share data, and more. Unfortunately, Apple still doesn’t have NFC support in its phones.
You won’t be able to dual boot on an iPhone Apple’s mobile operating system is a closed system, which makes it impossible to install or dual boot other operating systems like you can with some Android devices. If you are looking to tinker with a mobile OS, then an Android device will be a better choice.