Como Preparar Shots De Tequila

Cómo Preparar Shots de Tequila

Hacer un Shot de Tequila es Fácil!

Los shots de tequila son una bebida fuerte que pueden hacerse en varias formas, lo mejor es descubrir la que más te agrada. Preparar un buen shot es bastante sencillo y los ingredientes son fáciles de encontrar.

Ingredientes Necesarios:

  • 50 ml de tequila
  • 15 ml de triple seco
  • 2 limones
  • 2 cucharadas de sal

Preparación del Shot de Tequila:

  1. Exprimir los limones en una copa para shots, haciendo que los jugos corran por el fondo de la copa.
  2. Agregar la sal a los limones y revolver con una cuchara.
  3. Agregar la tequila a la copa, luego agregar el triple seco.
  4. Revolver el contenido de la copa suavemente para mezclar todos los ingredientes.
  5. Listo para servir, sea cuidadoso al tomar y disfruta el delicioso shot de tequila.

Ahora ya estas listo para probar el elegante shot de tequila. Estamos seguros de que te encantará! ¡Salud!

How do you take tequila shots at home?

How to Take a Tequila Shot The TL;DR: Salt, Tequila, Lime. Just remember: Lick, Sip, Suck, Step One: Lick the Salt, Step Two: Shoot the Tequila, Step Three: Suck on the Lime .

1. Gather your ingredients: tequila, a pinch of course salt, and a lime wedge.

2. Start by licking the course salt from the back of your non-dominate hand. Some people put the salt on their tongue or on the rim of the glass.

3. Once the salt is licked, pick up the tequila shot glass and down the shot quickly.

4. After you’ve downed the tequila, take the lime wedge in your mouth and suck out the juice.

5. Repeat steps one through four until desired level of intoxication is reached.

Why do you lick salt before tequila shots?

It is a good idea to take salt before drinking tequila to reduce the sensation of burning. The taste of tequila will be reduced by licking the salt, as your saliva will help to remove the sharp taste from it. Furthermore, by chewing the lime before consuming it, you can add some flavor to the beverage.

The combination of lime and salt is a popular tradition in Mexico. Some believe that salt helps to reduce the burning sensation of tequila. Taking salt in combination with lime can also help to make the jolt of tequila easier to swallow. By doing this, it is generally easier to enjoy the taste of tequila.

What is the best way to drink tequila shot?

If you want the complete tequila experience, order it straight. No ice, no frills. Just a wide breadth of aromas and flavors to experience in each sip. Sipping it neat allows you to pick through the subtleties, and taste each element present in your tequila. This is the classic way to drink tequila. There are also many great ways to enjoy tequila in cocktails, but if you want to try it out in its purest form, sipping it neat is the way to go. When you do take your tequila shot, make sure to savor it and enjoy it!

How are tequila shots prepared?

To properly take a shot of tequila (or tequila cruda), you need salt, lime, and tequila, all carried out in a specific order. The mantra to remember is «lick, shoot, suck»: Lick the salt off of your hand first, drink the shot swiftly, and finish by sucking on a wedge of lime. If you want, you can add something sweet like an agave syrup shot chaser afterward. When you’re all set, it’s time to prepare the shot!

1. Using a lime wedge, wet the non-dominate side of your hand.

2. Sprinkle some salt onto the damp patch of the hand, ensuring that it is well covered.

3. Put down the lime and pick up the shot glass of tequila.

4. Lick the salt off of your hand and quickly down the tequila shot.

5. Suck on the lime wedge to finish the shot.

Cómo Preparar Shots de Tequila

En una fiesta, muchas veces se extrañan los tragos caseros como shots de tequila. En este artículo te enseñaremos a preparar un shot de tequila perfecto para cualquier ocasión. Aquí te decimos cómo hacerlo:


  • Tequila blanco
  • Cointreau o Triple Sec
  • Limones


  • Paso 1: Pesa la medida adecuada, cercana a los 30 mililitros de tequila.
  • Paso 2: Agrega la misma cantidad de Cointreau o Triple Sec al shot.
  • Paso 3: Mezcla ambas bebidas con el jugo de un limón.
  • Paso 4: Sirve dentro de un shot glass (copa pequeña para tragos) y disfruta!

El shot de tequila es un trago delicioso y fácil de preparar, que siempre es la opción ideal para una fiesta. ¡Ahora ya sabes cómo preparar un shot de tequila para cualquier ocasión!

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